A very special THANK YOU for your patience. It seems easier all round if I type my letters! My writing has not improved, and seems unlikely to do so - at least in this incarnation!
There is always so much I want to share, and am so grateful for all the help I receive, especially for the wolves. Incidently, we have a SUPER group of volunteers, without whom we could not exists - neither the wolves or me! I feel truly blessed by my family and friends.
The three pups continue to grow and seem to think that putting paws on human shoulders, and gazing into their eyes, will encourage more treats. Rom, in particular even tries to check out any pockets, in case something was overlooked. Koa is another who enjoys treats (as do they all) - and he has requested that we remember that he is NOT fat, merely somewhat ‘fluffy’.
Of course we miss Khan, as we miss all our beloved animals who have gone on before us, and whom we hope will be there to greet us when we join them. I know that some do not believe that animals “go to heaven” ... but most of us cannot envisage a ‘heaven’ without them. Perhaps we may take other ‘forms’ as we all evolve, but I believe that love is inclusive. Which reminds me! Language has always fascinated me; I did ‘literal translation’ for several years - I understand WHY we are told to translate INTO our first language, rather than out of it. Direct and literal translation is almost impossible - too many nuances - and totally different meanings.
According to Professor Lamsa , he found twelve thousand differences between the original Aramaic version of the Bible and that of the King James version. Most are not really important, but some are very different. I always had a problem with the part that says “Be ye perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect”. I regarded this as impossible! However, the alternative version is “Be ye INCLUSIVE, even as your Father in heaven is inclusive”. THIS I can understand! It would be so nice if we could all agree to differ, until such time as we really KNOW? So many unkind things are done in the name of religion. Another of my favorite quotes is from Buddhism, “I seek not to judge, but to understand”.
Being around animals makes this very valid. It appears that Scientists have now isolated some fifty ‘words’ used by wolves, that have actual meanings. Mwitu, my ‘House’ wolf, disagrees - she says they have hundreds. Certainly she has a large vocabulary, but she is a VERY pushy wolf. My Shiloh Shepherd is far more reserved, perhaps because he is more intelligent and knows when to keep quiet?
With so many animals, many of whom are VERY elderly, we often face the deep sense of loss when one of them leaves us. Our Lobo is far from fit, but he is not in pain, so much as restricted in his movements. He enjoys lots of extra cuddles, fuss and a wide variety of food to tempt his rather jaded palate. We are so very blessed by our volunteers, and also the very nice visitors who often take time to simply ‘be’ with the wolves.
Without you, we could not continue this work, which would mean the wolves could no longer do THEIR work. Yes, miracles continue to happen. We thank God, and we thank YOU! This brings much love, GRATITUDE, and Blessings. Mwitu, Shy-Shy, Ghostie, Lobo, Sable,Koa, TaLa, Remus, Luke, Spirit, Mystery, Yoda, Duchess, Rafiki, Romulus and Jean